Churches and Oratories

St. James Church
Built between 1755 and 1769 for the Archpriest, Fr. Giuseppe Mazzieri. In 1939 it was elevated to the dignity of a diocesan shrine to the Holy Family. The building, an example of simple and grandiose architecture, is based on an almost central floorplan and appears spatially built on four pillars in the center which support a hemispherical vault. Inside there are numerous works including a group of statues in white marble depicting the deceased Christ (Alvise da CÃ - 1708), a wooden statue of Our Lady of Sorrows (Lorenzo Aili - 1701), an organ built by the Serassi brothers (1803), a Via Crucis in polychrome plaster (Emilio Trombara - 1905) , a sacristy cupboard (G. and F.Galli and V.Biazzi ), and the altar of St. James in gilded wood (18th Century).

Our Lady of Mount Carmel
(Oratory of St. Rocco)
It was founded by the Marquis Diofebo III Meli Lupi in 1661 and donated to the Carmelite Fathers. The Church, in the absence of beautiful ornaments dating back to its construction, is presented to the visitor in its original architectural appearance. The interior consists of three naves divided by pilars. A few characteristics of significant importance are the high altar in Baroque style, fine marble inlay, and the adorned columns at the sides bearing the Meli Lupi emblem (Alvise da CÃ - 1707). It has the shape of a small temple which houses the statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel with Child. On the side walls are four paintings from the 18th century. Not to forget the organ with three registers and four bellows manufactured by Brother Giuseppe Dotti and the cabinet that houses the choir with the work of the Soragnese carpenter Giambattista Galli.

St. Anthony Church
Constructed in 1696 and designed by Francesco Galli Bibiena, located in the main square of the village of Soragna. The interior is rectangular with a semicircular apse and plays on the important stylistic approach in two sets of columns that create an interesting chiaroscuro space. All the decoration of the Oratory is the work of Giovanni Mercoli of Cremona (1698). Other noteworthy artwork includes: two ovals placed on the side altars (Giovanni Bolla, 1698), the altarpiece in gilded wood in late sixteenth century style (1688), an organ with seven registers (Brother G. Dotti, 1704) with its furniture and choir work by Giambattista Galli, the high altar in wood by the engraver Giulio Seletti of Parma. On the external loggia stands a terracotta statue of the sculptor from Parma, Joseph Carra (1806).

Holy Cross
This oratorio commissioned by the marquis Giampaolo II Meli Lupi in 1616, is located adjacent to the fortress of the principes of Soragna (la Rocca). The oratory houses various tombstones of the family and interesting works of art, such as two paintings by G. Bolla ("The Crucifixion" and "Saint Anthony"), by G.B. Lazzaroni (B.V. delle Grazie with Saints) two paintings from the Genoese school (18th century) and a dismantled sarcophagus of Ugolotto Lupi (1351).